A Guide To Contacting Universities During Clearing

A Level results day can be stressful, especially if you find yourself entered into Clearing and you weren’t expecting it or aren’t prepared.

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Clearing 2024: What to say when calling universities

Clearing is the UCAS process of matching students without university places to universities with course vacancies. You’ll find yourself entered for Clearing if you meet any of the following criteria:

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Get Your Finances Sorted Early...

Not getting your student loan on time can be one of the most stressful things about starting university. After all, no one wants to be stuck in during Fresher’s Week because they can’t afford to go out.

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Advice for International Students Applying to University via Clearing

Studying in another country is becoming more popular every year. Unlike university places for UK students, which are strictly limited, international students often find there are more places open to them – especially at popular London universities.

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Applying through clearing?

A-Level students are being told not to panic if they haven’t got the grades they expected.

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Clearing: Why it Pays to Plan Now

A Level results day and starting your first term at university can seem like a whirlwind of stress, especially if you find yourself going through the Clearing process. For those of you that don’t know Clearing is the UCAS process of matching students without university places to universities with course vacancies.

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Results Day Survival Guide - A Level Results Day

To help you think straight and get through the big day here is our results day survival guide:

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