A Guide To Contacting Universities During Clearing

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A Level results day can be stressful, especially if you find yourself entered into Clearing and you weren’t expecting it or aren’t prepared.

You’ll be entered for Clearing if:

  • You applied to university after 30th June 2024
  • You were not made any offers by universities
  • You did not meet the conditions set by universities
  • You have not yet applied for university

Contacting Universities during clearing

The biggest tip we can give you when it comes to contacting universities during Clearing is to keep calm and be polite. The majority of Clearing places will be filled on results day, 17th August 2024, or they’ll be filled within the week. This means that you need to be organised and have everything ready before you collect your results.

If you’re not sure you’re going to get the results you need then getting everything organised can help to calm your nerves. Before you phone you’ll have to have your Clearing number, which you can find on your UCAS Track page, your personal statement, your exam results, and a pen and paper to write down anything important.

Want to know exactly what to say when calling universities? Take a look at our quick guide to calling universities make sure you don’t mess up during those important phone calls.

Another top tip is to have a list of any questions you have about the university ready such as open day dates or how first year accommodation is allocated. You should also bullet point a list of reasons why you want to go to the particular university you’re phoning.

Here are some other tips to being successful during Clearing:

  • Phone early – get on your mobile at your college or get on the phone as soon as you get home.
  • Phone yourself – this might sound obvious but universities want to see that you’re capable of being independent; getting your parents to phone for you doesn’t demonstrate that!
  • Keep phoning – if you don’t get through the first time then keep phoning throughout the day. Universities are very busy during Clearing but they try and answer everyone’s calls.
  • Send an email – if you’re worried that you won’t get through then email the admissions department with your grades and contact details so they can get back to you.
  • Note the names of people you’ve spoken to – you might need to know if you have to call them back.
  • Accept their decision is final – it’s disappointing if you don’t get an offer from your first choice university but don’t be tempted to argue with them. Be polite, thank them for their time, and move on to phoning the next university on your list.

Still not sure about Clearing? Take a look at our Clearing section to get all of the advice and information you’ll ever need. We’ll be with you every step of the way to ensure you get into the university you’ve been dreaming of!

