Dealing With Exam Stress

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Once you’ve gotten over the initial excitement of Fresher’s week and moving to uni you’ll soon realise that you’ll actually be expected to do some work whilst you’re there. Different courses use different assessment methods but almost all courses will involve having to take an exam at some time.

Being a little bit stressed about exams is a good thing – it shows you really care about the results you get, but it’s important not to let stress get in the way of doing the best you can in an exam.

Here are our top tips for dealing with exam stress:

Preparation is everything

If you go into the exam knowing you’ve revised everything you need to know and fully understand how you’ll be scored will immediately make you feel better. Set aside enough time for thorough revision and make sure you know where the exam is, what time it is, how long it will last, and any other important information relevant to that exam.

Make a plan

Taking the time to complete multiple practice questions during your revision sessions will help you plan your answers when it comes to doing the real thing.

Eat well & drink water

Middlesex -MPUEat well during your revision sessions and make time for food before your exam on the day. Sitting in an exam feeling hungry won’t help you concentrate and eating a large meal might make you feel sick or sleepy.

Also make sure you drink lots and take a bottle of water into the exam room with you. Taking regular sips of water will give you time to collect your thoughts and keep you hydrated.

Get out of the house

If you find you’re struggling to concentrate during your revision then get outdoors and think about something else. Go for a walk or run, exercise at the gym, or simply sit in the park and watch the birds.

Talk to people

Study groups, time with friends, or even a phone call to your Mum will help you realise that you’re not alone and everyone’s been stressed at some point.
