At Freshers’ week you’ll meet people from many different backgrounds, some you’ll love (and some you won’t) and you could be making friends for life.
During Freshers’ week you’ll also feel a variety of emotions from nervousness to excitement. Everyone reacts differently to being in the university environment for the first time and it can be an opportunity to reinvent yourself.
Over the years at Apply to Uni we’ve seen everything from students becoming the life and soul of the party to freshers who prefer to be a wallflower and wait for the fun to come to them. You’ll be pleased to hear that the majority of students find a happy medium between partying all night and hiding behind their textbooks.
Here’s some great advice to help you avoid those Freshers’ week regrets and have the time of your life right from the start:
Universities have any number of clubs, societies, sports, and activities to get involved in so if there’s something you’re interested in, sign up!
If you leave it too late you’ll find your first year is over and you’ll miss out on a whole year of memories you could have made with friends you might not otherwise know.
Nearly everyone is shy when they first start university, but try not to let it hold you back.
Your university Freshers’ Fair is your chance to throw yourself into university life and sign up for as many societies and clubs as you can.
Don’t be slack because you’re a fresher…
Just because you’re a fresher don’t think that gives you an excuse to not put 100% into your studies.
Having a “relaxed” attitude towards your lectures and assessments during your first year can mean you’ll spend the rest of your time at university trying to make up for mediocre grades.
Trust us, not everyone is as intelligent, dynamic, or glamourous as you think they are and remember, you’re here for a reason.
Don’t let feeling overwhelmed or a lack of confident prevent you making the most of the great opportunities you’ll have at university.
Does this regret need any further explanation? We think not!
Sure we’ve all heard the stories of couples that made long distance work and lived happily ever after post-graduation.
However, most pre-university relationships don’t work out and you might find yourself regretting not taking full advantage of the fresh start university life gives you.
“Fresher’s Flu” – we’ve all been there and you don’t want to find yourself missing out on fun because you forgot to sign up with the local doctor.
Here’s more about staying healthy during Freshers’ week
Put simply university is your opportunity to be brave, have fun, meet new people, and probably make a fool of yourself a few times.
Embrace everything that comes your way and don’t just stick to what you know.
And the pounds! Be careful of treating your interest free overdraft as “free money”.
Eventually you’ll have to pay it back and that usually happens at a time when you least expect it (or can’t really afford it).
Here’s more student budgeting advice
Don’t avoid getting out there and hoping that new friends will find you.
You might be painfully shy but sometimes that can come across as being rude and put people off. Make an effort and people will make an effort back.
Everyone gets homesick during Freshers’ week but that’s your cue to throw yourself into university and make a new life for yourself.
You only get one Freshers’ week – don’t waste it by spending all your time wishing you were at home!