If you’re applying to university then you’ll be very familiar with the UCAS website by now!
One of the main features of the website is UCAS Track – a system created by UCAS that allows you to check the progress of your applications throughout the application process.
You’ll be able to see which universities have made you offers, if you need to reply to any offers, and you’ll be able to review your application information.
You’ll also be able to change some personal information such as contact details and home address if anything changes during the application process.
UCAS Track is designed to be used the entire way through the application process and you’ll be able to access it as soon as UCAS have processed your application and sent you your welcome email.
In your welcome email you’ll find your Personal ID and the username and password you used when you created your application on the UCAs website. You’ll need to keep your email or make a note of these details so you can access UCAS Track.
After you’ve applied to your university(s) there are three stages to the application:
When each of your potential universities has made a decision regarding your application your UCAS Track page will be updated. If you gave an email address when you signed up you may also receive email notification that they have made a decision.
Once the decision has been made by the university UCAS Track allows you to decline or accept their offer.
If you weren’t made any offers by the five universities you applied to, or you declined any offers you were made, you can use the UCAS Extra service to add new choices.
You can also use UCAS Extra if you didn’t use all of your five choices. Simply search for courses with Extra availability using the UCAS search tool and add them one at a time.
Find out more about using UCAS Extra on the UCAS website.
Yes, if you find yourself entered for Clearing you’ll need to use UCAS Track to apply for other universities.
Here’s more about adding a Clearing choice using UCAS Track.
If you lose your welcome email and you can’t remember your log in details, don’t panic.
You’ll be able to use the “Forgot log in details” button to access the UCAS log in reminder service. You’ll need to give them the same email address associated with your application and then UCAS can email you your log in details.
If you have five failed attempts to log in then UCAS will automatically suspend your account for security reasons. If this happens you’ll need to contact the UCAS Customer Services department so they can reset your Track account.