With so many considerations prospective university students have to make before choosing their final set of universities to apply to being able to look at the university league tables can help them make that choice.
Most commonly universities are scored on things such as student satisfaction with the course, teaching, and feedback. They are often also scored on student retention and the percentage of their graduates that are in their chosen career six months after graduating.
More recently there has been a rise in less serious league tables being created to score universities on things such as highest amount of kebabs eaten or universities where you’re most likely to end up with a tattoo by the time you graduate.
However, to help you make an informed, academic choice about which university you apply to to study Business Management we’ve put together a top 10 league table.
(Please note we’ve included all Business Management related subjects such as Finance, Accounting, Human Resources, Marketing, and Business and Administration Studies.)
Here are the top 10 universities to study Business and Management:
Regardless of where your chosen university comes in the league tables it’s still well worth attending an open day, or if the university is close enough, spending some time in the town/city it is located in.
The last thing you want to do is get there and find the town isn’t like to expected and that it doesn’t meet any of your other essential university criteria.