When you’re choosing which university to apply to you’re bound to get loads of different opinions about which one you should pick and why it’s the best. Different universities have different reputations and there is all sorts of rivalry that past and present students help to encourage.
This can make it really confusing to narrow down a short list of good universities to apply to. Visiting the university on their open day is a great way of deciding whether it’s right for you and spending some time in the town or city it’s located in can make all the difference to your decision.
Another good way of finding out how a good a university is without your adviser being biased is to check the university league tables which are compiled by an independent body such as The Complete University Guide.
The universities in the table are ranked on criteria such as student satisfaction, quality of research undertaken by the university, and their graduate employability prospects. The university is also given an overall score out of 100.
The university league tables are updated every year so looking for a university that is consistently ranked in the top five, 10, or even 20 guarantees that you’ll get a high standard of education. This is especially important now that university fees have gone up and you’re paying a large amount of money for your degree.
If you’re looking to apply to study Biology at university here are the top 10 universities offering it as a course in 2014: