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Personal Statements for Postgraduate Students

As a postgraduate student you’ll have already been through the application process once and writing a personal statement for postgraduate study is fairly similar to the one you wrote when you applied for your undergraduate degree.

Similarly to writing your undergraduate personal statement you’ll need to say which course you want to study and why, as well as saying why you want to study it at the particular university you’re applying to.

The opening paragraphs are your chance to demonstrate your passion and dedication for your subject. If there’s a particular module or aspect of the course that interests you then tell the admissions tutor. This is your personal statement and the university wants to see your personal reasons for applying for the course.

You should also discuss how previous qualifications, work experience, and personal achievements have affected your choice and how they are relevant to the course you now wish to study.

For example, if you are applying for a PGCE course you would discuss why you want to be a teacher and how your undergraduate qualifications, previous teaching experience, and time spent working with young people is going to help you.

Hopefully you will have learnt some valuable skills as an undergraduate and you should discuss how these skills are going to help you make the step up from undergraduate to postgraduate study.

For example, time management, independent study skills, and practical experience can all be gained and developed during undergraduate study. You need to demonstrate that you are capable of transferring these skills or attributes to a higher level of study.

You can also talk about how postgraduate study will help your future career plans. University admissions tutors like to see that potential students have goals and a plan for the future.

If you’re making the commitment to study beyond undergraduate level admissions tutors would expect that you have a reason and that you have at least a rough idea of where higher qualifications will lead.

Remember, this is your chance to get ahead of the game, make the most of it! 

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