The statement that we have “explored more of outer space than we have of the ocean” is one of the reasons that I am fascinated by marine life. The sea is the world’s oldest and most complex ecosystem which in my mind is reason enough to want to learn more about it.
My fascination with the ocean has led me to become a scuba diver and volunteer for various marine organisations. I am a qualified rescue diver and also a qualified commercial diver – something that is an unusual qualification for a woman. In fact, there are currently only three female commercial divers in the world.
From an early age I knew I wanted a career that involved marine biology and ecology and this was reflected in my academic choices. At A Level I studied Geography, Biology, Maths, and Chemistry.
This selection of subjects equipped me with the foundation skills I need to be a successful marine biologist. I have developed strong analytical skills and enjoyed the opportunity that studying Chemistry gave me to apply my theories to practical experiments.
As I mentioned before, outside of school I have volunteered for a number of marine organisations. One placement that I particularly enjoyed was with the National Seal Sanctuary, an experience that I have taken part in for two consecutive years.
Having the chance to care for these incredible marine mammals gave me an insight into the adaptations that aquatic animals have made to survive in their environment. I look forward to returning this summer to see how last year’s rescued seals are progressing.
I am also planning a trip to Scotland to explore the cold-water coral reefs and to study the effects that issues such as marine pollution and bottom trawling have on the ecosystem.
I hope that my passion and enthusiasm will help me to do well during my degree and I feel I am more than ready for the challenges that further academic study will bring. After graduation I am open to any of the fieldwork, research, or education opportunities that may be available.