Having had a love of animals for my entire life and feeling that agriculture is returning to the forefront of the public conscience I know whole heartedly that an Agriculture degree is right for me.
The enormous technological advances in agriculture over the last century have made Higher Education essential to the success of the agriculture industry in a society that is relying increasingly on technology for everything from communication to reproduction.
However, I also feel that it is important not to ignore the ‘grassroots’ producer and traditional farming and production methods. This is why I have recently completed a work placement with my local farm. Whilst there I observed and took part in all aspects of animal management with a variety of species including chickens, donkeys, cows, and sheep.
As well as being interested in animal and plant production I also gained valuable business experience by working part-time in my local farm shop and demonstrated my dedication to encouraging local producers by becoming one myself.
Throughout my secondary school and college career I grew my own fruit and vegetables on a community allotment plot and was instrumental in organising a ‘veg patch’ at my school.
Once the ‘veg patch’ was up and running I proposed that the school’s Young Enterprise scheme used the produce to make chutneys, which not only provided a useful learning experience in Food Technology lessons, but also helped to raise much needed funds for more sports equipment when the finished chutney was sold at the school summer fair.
I feel strongly that combining a working knowledge of production with solid business sense is the key to the survival of the future of the agricultural industry. My passion and dedication has pushed me forward and helped me gain the experience, skill set, and talent to become a highly successful Agriculture student.
I hope that the skills I will gain by completing an Agriculture degree will enable me to gain a position with the industry that will allow me to continue to campaign for the importance of the local producer and traditional farming methods.