Going to a university open day is the best way to get a feel for what university life is really going to be like. You’ll get to meet your tutors, speak to current students, and have a tour around the university campus and accommodation. An open day is your chance to ask important questions and take a look at the university and the surrounding area.
However, there may be reasons that you can’t attend the official open day. For example, if your chosen university is too far away to travel for just one day or two of your choices have their open days on the same date you might find yourself unable to attend.
Luckily, the majority of universities have alternative options if you can’t attend their official open day. Here are some of the options you may be able to choose from:
The most common option if you can’t attend the official open day is to arrange a private campus tour. Usually this involves a current student showing you around the campus, facilities, and accommodation.
You may also be able to talk to a subject tutor or sit in on a lecture. Contact your chosen university and ask them what they can offer.
If you are unable to travel to a university then there may be the option of taking part in a virtual open day. You’ll be able to view photos and videos of the campus and surrounding area.
You’ll probably also be able to watch videos of staff and current students talking about the course, university life, and the local town or city.
If a university is unable to find someone to take you on a tour of their university they may offer you the option of a self-guided tour. You’ll usually be given a brochure or prospectus and a map of the university and the local area.
Self-guided tours give you the chance to go at your own pace and really spend time exploring your future university and home.