Physics Degree Courses

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DMU-MPUPhysics is more popular than ever, with its increased media presence waking many people up to the exciting potential that the discipline holds for exploring the most fundamental building blocks of our universe. Requiring a strong grasp of maths and computing, you will most likely already be aware of whether or not you have the patient, methodical approach that characterises the average Physics student. You will study all aspects of Physics, from the properties of matter and thermodynamics to statistical physics and quantum mechanics. That said, different courses and departments may focus on different areas of the discipline so make sure you do your research about each specific course before applying.

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Some Courses in Physics:

  • Physics (F300)
  • Physics with Medical Physics (F350)
  • Astronomy, Space Science and Astrophysics (F592)
  • Physics with Particle Physics and Cosmology (F373)
  • Philosophy and Physics (FVH5)
  • Physics and Mathematics (FG31)
  • Chemistry and Molecular Physics (FF31)
  • Applied Physics (F310)
  • Theoretical Physics (F323)