English Literature Degree Courses

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English Literature is the most obvious choice of subject for anyone who truly loves reading. Generally compromising an overview of literature produced in the English language, from medieval times to the present day, an English Literature degree can really help you to gain a greater understanding of the books you love. Based around applying a variety of theoretical frameworks to a wide range of texts, English Literature degrees require a commitment to both reading and writing, assessed, as they are, through long and short form essays and written examinations. Most applicants will have a strong background in this subject from school, and you will most likely already have a good idea whether this subject fits your interests and skills.

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Some Courses in English Literature:

  • English (Q300)
  • English Literature (Q300)
  • History/English Literature (QV31)
  • English and Creative Writing (QW38)
  • American Studies and English (QT37)
  • Fine Art with English Literature (W1Q3)
  • English Literature/Latin (QQ3P)