
Delve into our history with a degree in archaeology and study humanity in its broadest context.  Archaeology is ideal if you have a deep interest in unravelling the past, with specialist fields including Greek, Roman and Egyptology.

Humanities, biology and history are advantageous subjects, but not essential. UCAS points range from 240 to 360. Assessment of your level interest may be through voluntary work in museums or on digs.

Research, team work and an ability to work methodically and accurately are key skills for success in archaeology. Careers range from field archaeology and academia to consultancy and the heritage sector.

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Some Courses in Archaeology:

  • Archaeology (V400)
  • Archaeological Sciences (F400)
  • Archaeology and Anthropology (VL46)
  • Archaeology with Forensic Science (F490)
  • Scottish History and Archaeology (VV24)
  • Geography and Archaeology (FF84)
  • Archaeology of Ancient Civilisations (V401)
  • Ancient History and Archaeology (VVD4)
  • Bioarchaeology (V403)

