Don't panic if you didn't make the grades for your chosen university or college. You can still find a course to suit you from the thousands available through Clearing.
Follow these simple steps for a stress-free Clearing experience:
If you've only just missed your grades, your preferred university or college may still offer you a place. You'll need a 'no' from their admissions tutor before you can enter Clearing.
You can only apply to one institution at a time, so be sure you choose one that's really right for you. Talk through your options with your teachers, or call the Exam Results Helpline on 0808 100 8000.
You can search through the 33,000 available Clearing courses online at, or in national newspapers. Clearing apps are also available for iPhone and Android.
Once you've decided on a course, you'll need to apply by phone directly to the university's admissions office. Have your results, your UCAS ID and Clearing Number handy. Above all, make sure you phone in person: the admissions tutor will be tutoring you, not your mum! Once you've been accepted, ask for an hour or so to think it over, then ring back to confirm.
After you've verbally accepted an offer you'll need to formally apply online. Log on to UCAS Track (, click the "Add Clearing Choice" button and enter the course details.
The University or college you've applied to should see your application straight away. If they accept you, you'll see a confirmation in the 'Choices' section of Ucas Track, which they'll follow up with a confirmation letter. If your application isn't accepted, the "Add Clearing choice" link in Track will reappear and you'll need to apply for another course.