10 Essential Items for London Students

Deciding what to take with you to university can be tough and it can be tempting to take all of your worldly possessions.

Of course you need all the usual stuff like clothes, bedding, kitchen equipment, and your academic supplies, but if you’re studying in London there might be some things you hadn’t considered that you’ll find useful for your time at university.

However, here are the 10 things we think are essential for London students:

  1. An academic diary – keep it old school and avoid internet glitches or wi-fi meltdowns by writing important info down
  2. London tube/bus map – not only can they decorate your room, but you can use them to navigate your way around the UK capital easily
  3. Pocket London A-Z guide – like your wall map, only in a handy travel size!
  4. 18+ Oyster Photocard – definitely essential for discounted travel
  5. 16-25 Railcard – for discounted train travel not covered by your Oyster card
  6. NUS Extra card – another essential to keep in your wallet if you want thousands of discounts
  7. A compact umbrella – ah, the Great British weather, enough said…
  8. A decent coat – again, the UK weather and public transport could be a bad combination without a decent coat
  9. Multivitamins – it’s a big city and you want to do everything you can to avoid “Freshers’ Flu”
  10. Biscuits – because students with biscuits make friends in halls quicker!