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Open Days 


Join us and Discover Edge Hill for yourself by attending one of the many events we hold throughout the year for prospective students. It’s your opportunity to experience the vibrant and stimulating environment you will study in and offera an insight into student life at Edge Hill. Course tutors will be available who can answer any subject-related questions and you can explore subject-specific facilities, attend presentations and view practical demonstrations. Once you are holding an offer of a place you will be invited to attend one of our applicant visit days which will provide an in-depth opportunity to participate in a range of tailored activities, including a subject taster session.


Saturday 13 June 2020, 10am-3pm

Saturday 15 August 2020, 10am-3pm

Saturday 12 September 2020, 10am-3pm

Saturday 10 October 2020, 10am-3pm

Saturday 14 November 2020, 10am-3pm

Edge Hill University

Edge Hill University
St Helens Road
L39 4QP
United Kingdom

Contact: Course Enquiries


