Sociology Degree Courses

Sociology 01

Sociology 02Sociology is the academic analysis of the way in which society and human interaction shapes our world, our identities and our beliefs. An enquiring mind is essential for all applicants, as the breadth of the field requires you to be inspired by all forms of human interaction. Sociology has many applications, from further academic research to the production of political and social policy, so there are a number of career paths open to you upon graduation. Most Sociology degrees will be accessed through fieldwork and essay writing, so a strong balance between intellectual curiosity and the practical application of knowledge might suggest that this is the subject for you.

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Some Courses in Sociology:

  • Sociology (L300)
  • Criminology and Sociology (L390)
  • Social Sciences (L305)
  • Sociology and Social Policy (L3L4)
  • Sociology and Psychology (LC38)
  • Childhood & Youth Studies and Sociology (LX33)
  • History and Sociology (LV31)
  • Sociology with Education (L3X3)
  • Media, Communications & Culture and Sociology (PL33)
  • Sociology and Economics (LL13)
  • Business and Sociology (NL13)