Earth Sciences Degree Courses

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Earth -Sciences 02Earth Sciences is the study of the planet Earth, its history, evolution and future. This course is ideal if you are interested in the Earth's physical environment and the impact of human civilisations. Courses offer theoretical, practical and field work to explore the interactions between the Earth's atmosphere, surface and geological structure.  Requirements for a degree in Earth Sciences generally include geography, environmental science and physical sciences. Applications without relevant qualifications, but demonstrate a high level of interest in Earth Sciences may be considered. A degree in Earth Sciences presents many career prospects within the commercial and public sector. 

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Some Courses in Earth Sciences:

  • Environmental Earth Science (F640)
  • Geological Oceanography (F650)
  • Geology (F600)
  • Natural Sciences (CFG0)
  • Geology and Archaeology (FV64)
  • Earth and Ocean Science (FF67)
  • Environmental Geoscience (F640)
  • Biological Sciences (Ecology) (C180)
  • Geophysics (F660)