Psychology Degree Courses

Psychology 01Psychology is a relatively young academic discipline, but has grown into an expansive one that encompasses multiple disciplines and approaches. All concerned with the processes of the human mind, psychology today still ranges from the more philosophical approach of psychoanalysis to the rigidly scientific approaches of Clinical and Cognitive Psychology. A general degree in the subject will probably introduce to the history and development of the field, as well as giving you an idea of its current permutations, but it might be an idea to think about the areas you would like to specialise in professionally before applying. There are many different branches of Psychology as a profession and it can offer a rich and rewarding career for graduates.

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Some Courses in Psychology:

  • Psychology (C800)
  • Economics and Psychology (LC18)
  • Applied Psychology (C810)
  • Health Psychology (C841)
  • Psychology and Management (CN82)
  • Combined Social Science (L431)
  • Sport Psychology (C841)
  • Educational Psychology (C812)
  • Developmental Psychology (C820)
  • Behavioural Sciences (C830)
  • Social Psychology (C882)