Youth and Community Degree Courses

Youth and Community courses are primarily for those working in or intending to work in local authority and voluntary organisation youth work settings, as well as those working with, and managing organisations for young people. You will gain knowledge and experience of the policies, best practice and skills required to develop both personally and professionally.

Community/youth studies courses focus on helping you develop skills that are essential for working with young people or adults in the community.

This will include consideration of broad issues such as welfare, social policy, human relations and regeneration, and more specific concerns including the role of the youth worker, managing youth work and multi-agency working.

The youth and community sector is a massively expanding area , with various measures announced by the government  highlighting on youth and community issues, therefore Undergraduate degree courses main area's will include:

  • Man management
  • Project Management
  • Raising funds
  • Community Work

Consider the skills developed on your course as well as through your other activities, such as paid work, volunteering, family responsibilities, sport, membership of societies, leadership roles, etc.

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Some Courses in Youth and Community:

  • Youth and Community Work (L530 A BA/YCS)
  • Community Leadership (L900)
  • Community Learning and Development (X390)
  • Applied Community and Youth Work Studies (L590)
  • Childhood and Youth Studies (Q23)