Common Interview Questions for a Nursing Course

If you’re applying to study Nursing then you should expect to have some form of interview during the application process.

This might be a one to one interview, an interview with a panel, a group interview, or a more informal style of interview during the open day.

It’s important that you prepare for your interview as best you can, although obviously you won’t know the exact questions you’re going to be asked.

This means you cannot over prepare for your interview. The interviewer(s) want to see that you can think on your feet and are knowledgeable about your subject – not that you can just parrot a rehearsed answer back to them.

What’s different about the styles of interview?

All interviews are designed to see if you have the right personal attributes and attitude to become a nurse regardless of whether they on a one to one basis or in a group setting.

However, there are some additional things to think about if you’re going to have a group interview.

Here are some tips to help you keep your head held high during a group interview:

  • Communicate clearly and concisely
  • Remember to contribute – don’t let yourself get forgotten or lost in the group of applicants
  • Don’t interrupt – the interviewer is looking to see if you have good interpersonal skills and can work well in a team
  • Pay attention when others are speaking – avoid staring blankly at the floor if you’re not the one talking
  • Direct your answers to the whole group – don’t just focus on the interviewer

How can I prepare for the interview?

As we said, you can’t know for sure what you’re going to be asked during the interview but based on previous interviews, we can help you predict the kind of questions you’ll be given.

Read medical journals, good quality newspapers, and have an interest in current affairs that relate to the healthcare system.

Most importantly, know why you want to be a nurse and why you want to study at that particular university. You should have answered the former question in your personal statement so you can refer back to that.

You’ll need to review your personal statement as you’ll probably also be asked about your work experience and why you feel this makes you an ideal Nursing candidate.

What are some common interview questions for a Nursing course?

Here are some common interview questions for a Nursing course:

  • How do you feel you fit the role of a modern nurse?
  • What is the role of a nurse in [specialism you’re applying to]?
  • Why do you want to be a nurse?
  • Why do you want to specialise in [adult, child, mental health, or learning difficulties]?
  • How do you deal with stressful situations?
  • Why have you chosen this university?
  • What are some of the issues in the NHS and how should we overcome them?
  • Do you agree with the NHS putting so much funding in to the Mental Health Services? Explain your answer.
  • How would you calm down a violent or aggressive patient?
  • How would you react to a patient on the acute ward that had done some very horrible things to people?
  • What are the 6 C’s of nursing?

Try to think of clear, concise answers to these questions and do some research into the issues they’re asking you to discuss.

If you’re not sure about the answer you can ask the interviewer to repeat the question or ask them to explain further what they’re looking for.

Top Nursing Interview Preparation Tips

  • See your interview as an opportunity to impress the university, not a make or break situation
  • Sell yourself – they already have your academic achievements so talk about the other things that make you an ideal candidate
  • Know the university you’re interviewing with – the interviewer doesn’t just want to hear information that is readily available on the university website, so do your research
  • Know nursing – study the news, medical journals, nursing blogs, anything that will help you be able to talk clearly and knowledgably about modern healthcare issues
  • Arrive early – allow extra time to find a parking space and get to the interview room
  • Have a phone number for the university or interviewer so you can notify them immediately in exceptional circumstances such as a traffic jam or train delay