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Economics & Philosophy Personal Statement Example

Sample Statement

From an early age I have always been very logical and have strong analytical skills that have been further developed throughout my time in education. Combined with this I have also always been very curious and keen to gain knowledge in all aspects of life.

At school I excelled in Mathematics and took up the study of Economics as soon as I could in secondary school. My study of a wide range of subjects during my time at school gave me a good general knowledge of how society works. At A Level I also studied Philosophy which gave me a chance to further develop my critical mind and ask questions about society and humanity.

Economics has always been vital to the way a community and society as a whole works and I feel that combining this with the study of Philosophy adds a new depth and level of understanding to the financial choices we make as individuals and by those in the financial sector.

Whilst at school I was a member of a number of clubs including the Debate Club, Drama Club, and also took part in our school’s Young Enterprise scheme. This gave me hands on experience of how a business works and the steps that need to be taken by all members of an organisation for it to be successful.

Outside of school I completed my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award which involved completing over 100 hours of volunteer work, being involved in many team activities and learning to use my own initiative.

All of my extracurricular activities have given me a sense of responsibility, helped me develop my organisational skills, and allowed me to develop a passion and dedication for something other than educational success.

I hope that my time at university will allow me to build on these personal attributes and gain further skills, knowledge, and experience in the economic sector.

After graduating I plan to gain an entry level position with a company in the financial industry or to enter into further study and economic research in another educational institution. 

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