Health Sciences Degree Courses

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Health Sciences is a general term for a group of subjects that deal with the science of health outside of a full medical degree. This can take the form of anything from a general Health Studies degree to a degree in a specific set of practices, such as Occupational Therapy. Not everyone who wants to work in a healthcare profession feels that becoming a doctor is the best fit. Studying Health Sciences can offer an introduction to the science and practice of the field, allowing you to specialise later, or can offer training in a range of healthcare professions separate from practicing medicine. As with a medical degree, however, there will inevitably be an emphasis on the biological sciences in any related subject so a strong background in this area is a must for any applicant.

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Some Courses in Health Sciences:

  • Healthcare Science (B902)
  • Clinical Sciences (B990)
  • Optometry (B510)
  • Exercise and Sport Sciences (C602)
  • Psychology with Human Health (C8B9)
  • Environmental Health (B911)
  • Exercise, Nutrition and Health (CB64)
  • Paramedic Science (B780)
  • Environmental Health (B912)