Marketing Degree Courses

Marketing 01

Marketing 02Marketing shapes our world, perhaps more now than ever before. Constantly bombarded as we are by increasingly sophisticated forms of advertising in the Internet age, there has never been a more exciting time to enter the field. While a Marketing degree will help you to understand the history and function of the industry, from classic print advertising to the use of the latest social media, most are very much based around training you for entry into the field. As such, in addition to essay writing, you will probably be required to complete substantial coursework and work experience throughout. As such, it suits applicants with creative flair, strong teamwork and communication skills and the drive and ambition to ultimately succeed within a competitive industry.

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Some Courses in Marketing:

  • Marketing and Business (NN15)
  • Law with Marketing (M1N5)
  • Marketing (N500)
  • Advertising and Marketing Communications (N560)
  • Leisure Marketing (N580)
  • ICT with Marketing (G5N5)
  • Public Relations and Marketing (NPM2)
  • Retail Management (Marketing) (N552)
  • Sports Promotion and Marketing (N591)
  • English and Marketing (QN35)