
From traditional mediums such as oil painting, charcoal and pencil to contemporary metal sculpting, clay pot making, glass work and graffiti - art is a subjective discipline requiring natural artistic flare, vision and commitment. 

Most students will typically complete a Foundation Degree in Art and Design or equivalent, and then embark on their art specialism. Universities will usually select students by interview and portfolio. 

Creativity, self motivation and enthusiasm are essential traits for an artist.  The range of creative, technical and communication skills opens up many career prospects, from becoming a contracted gallery artist, a curator, media and television.

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Some Courses in Art:

  • Fine Art (W100)
  • Visual Arts: Visual Art (W900)
  • Art Practice (W990)
  • Interdisciplinary Art & Design (W000)
  • Art, Media, Design Extended Degree (W000)
  • Illustration (W221)
  • Mixed Media Fine Art (WP23)