University Clearing Checklist

If you’ve been entered for Clearing – either because you haven’t met your offers, have declined all your offers, applied after 30th June, or weren’t made any offers – then being organised is the key to getting a university place.

Clearing is the UCAS process of matching universities with course vacancies to students without university places. The Clearing period officially opens on 5th July 2024, but the majority of students find themselves entered for Clearing on A Level results day, 15 August 2024, and Clearing closes 17 October 2024.

The majority of university places fill on results day, or within the first week afterwards, so you’ll need to be quick if you want to get into university. If you don’t get through to a university straightaway then keep trying throughout the day and send them an email.

Here’s our checklist of the things you’ll need before you start phoning universities.

Your Clearing Number– you’ll find this number on your UCAS Track page and you’ll need to give it to every university you phone. Some universities won’t even talk to you without your Clearing Number so have it ready. 

Your personal statement– you’re going to have to sell yourself to potential universities so bullet point the important parts of your personal statement so you can list your personal and academic qualities. 

Your exam results– not only will you need to give potential universities your exam results but you’ll need to be prepared to answer questions about why you haven’t met your predicted grades.

Why are you applying?– potential universities are going to want to know why you’ve shortlisted them so bullet point a few reasons why the university stood out to you and why you’re committed to studying there. 

Do you have any questions?– if you have any questions about the course or university then write them down so you don’t forget to ask them. Asking questions show you’re interested so don’t be afraid of asking them.

Pen and paper– this sounds simple but you’ll need to make a note of which universities you’ve called and who you’ve spoken to. Write down their name, job title, email address and telephone number in case you need to contact them again.
